Roodhawg's Driving Instructions


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The following statements are only my opinion...

1. Watch Out: In my neck of the woods, we have all four seasons. Winter,
                        Spring, Summer, and Fall. This presents a great challenge to
                        automobile, cagers, and motorcycle drivers alike. To cagers,
                        they may not be so used to watching out for smaller, less visible
                        motorcycles because they only see them in numbers half the
                        year. So when Spring and Summer roll around and the bikers
                        are out enjoying the freedom of the open road after a long
                        hibernation, cagers are not used to looking out for them (out of
                        site, out of mind). So, please remember to stay sharp all year
                        around while driving automobiles. You are alot bigger than me.
                        If we collide, you might get a scratch or a small dent in your
                        car, I may die! So, i'll do my part on a motorcycle by not
                        pulling crazy stunts and zooming around like a maniac as soon 
                        as the temperture breaks 65 degrees for a few days. And you
                        stay sharp by keeping a head up, eye out, and hands free kit
                        for the cell phone while driving. Deal, Deal!
2. Drive the Speed Limit: If the speed limit is 40 mph, then go 35-45mph.
                                           Enough said
3. Don't Drive Slow in the Fast Lane: If you want to drive under the speed
                                                               limit, that is great. Just drive in the
                                                               slow lane. If you want to pass from
                                                               the slow lane, great. Please do it in a
                                                               timely manner (this means you will
                                                               most likely have to speed up) then
                                                               return safely to the slow lane
4. Pulling into Traffic: a) If you are pulling into traffic, please try to do so  
                                        without using the turn lane. Most people need to use
                                        this lane to turn LEFT out of traffic. That's why it's 
                                        called a turn lane not a merge lane. If you use this
                                        lane to merge into traffic you may hinder the flow of
                                        normal traffic or possibly even cause an accident
                                    b) If you are pulling into traffic and there is noone
                                        behind me, don't pull right out in front of me and
                                        force me to brake. This is only courtious and
                                        logical. Right after I pass you, you will have plenty of
                                        time to pull out safely at a safe speed without
                                        creating undue stress on other drivers
5. Don't Rubberneck: I would say 65% of traffic jams related to accidents
                                     are not due to cars blocking the road. They are due to
                                     passerbys trying to get a good look at the misfortune
                                     of someone else. Please just on.
                                     Once while driving on a separated 4 lane highway, the
                                     car directly ahead of me stopped dead in the fast lane
                                     to look all the way across the median at two
                                     police cars and three cars pulled to the side of the
                                     road. I mean stopped dead. I looked around to see if
                                     I could see an Ambulance coming or something. There
                                     wasn't one at all. These people just wanted to see
                                     what was going on. Needless to say, this single selfish 
                                     act caused a traffic jam 4 miles long behind us as I
                                     looked back from a hill up ahead
                            Fact: lets say you are driving on the highway at 65
                                     mph. You are first in a long line of cars behind you
                                     also going 65 mph. If you tap your brake for 1/2 
                                     second, that braking is multiplied the further it travels.
                                     So, by you tapping your brake, the last car in line is
                                     at a dead stop for an amount of time proportionate
                                     to the length of the line
6. Don't Force Me to Tailgate: Tailgaiting is one of the worst things a driver
                                                    can do. Don't get me wrong i'm not one to
                                                    preach here. I do it too. What I don't do
                                                    though, is pull from the slow lane, to pass in
                                                    front of a car in the fast lane that isn't
                                                    tailgaiting the car in front of them. If I do,
                                                    then, one, I just forced them to tailgate me
                                                    which isn't good for anyone. And two, I
                                                    probably angered them. Think about it.
                                                    Your driving along behind someone at a safe
                                                    distance and then someone pulls out right in
                                                    front of you reducing that safe distance by at
                                                    least half (probably more) creating an unsafe
                                                    driving situation
7. Road Rage: Hurling along the Earth at 40-80 mph in a two ton bullet is a
                       priveledge and a responsibility. That's why we take drivers tests
                       and get pulled over for not obeying traffic laws. Ultimately it is
                       all to keep us alive. So, if someone makes a mistake on the
                       road and you are late and in a hurry, try to take a deep breath
                       and remember. Whatever a particular driver has done to totally
                       infuriated you probably wasn't done on purpose. Alot of people
                       are just ignorant and can't help it. Or, they may just be nervous
                       on the road and not such a good driver. Anyway, my point is,
                       the road is no place to settle the score and put other innocent
                       people at risk. One of those innocent people may be your
                       mother, brother, or future spouse!